100 Indel Avenue

P.O. Box 156

Rancocas, NJ 08073


Ph.: +1(609) 267-8000


Feild Service Request

Field Service Request Number 5193

Return to FSR Listing

PRIORITY: Level: 2
Customer: ATI
Job: 30975
Address: Monroe, NC
Code: NC 6 Parts Lost/Damaged in Transit
Special Instructions: Customer cannot find prox switch on site. Needs clamp and reducer to mount vacuum break valve.
Requestor: Brian Laino (blaino@consarc.com)
Date: 06/04/2019
Phone: 609-267-8000 x 210


Item Qty Part # Description Cost
11300-0462-8Proximity Switch, Part CD47581-103 CA5742
21CD47603-23Reducer, KF40 X KF16
31100-0768-5Clamp, NW16, CD47603-17
41CD47603-18Seal Centering Ring Assembly NW16, Viton Seal